It is mentioned in medical textbooks that salt has oral care benefits, reduces germs and deeply cleans teeth and gums. Salt is known as a medical ingredient and used following many medical or dental procedures such as extractions.
For that reason many toothpastes contain salt and are labeled as “salt toothpastes”.
So why Yama+ is different?
YAMA+ is an all-natural toothpaste, based on 80% Dead Sea water, pumped from a unique location in the Dead Sea and from 20% other ingredients including essential oil with anti- inflammatory and anti-fungal attributes.
The most prominent difference is in the essential minerals to the human body that are part of the Dead Sea water: Magnesium, which is essential to cell metabolism, Potassium, which improves oxidation processes, Bromide, which influences relaxation, Ammonium bituminosulfonate, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, Iodine, which is essential to cellular energy production, Calcium, essential to tooth and bone development, Zinc, which influences cell proliferation.
Part of the YAMA+ minerals, are unique to the Dead Sea, and do not exist in any other place in the world.
The Dead Sea is mentioned frequently in articles, Because of its unique contents. But, getting Dead Sea water that works is a matter of science and innovation.
The Dead Sea water used in YAMA+ has to be carefully filtered to ensure purity, without sacrificing the power of its natural healing powers. YAMA+ has created a process that does all this and more. It makes YAMA+ unique among all Dead Sea toothpastes.
Gingiva, teeth and sea salt - Article
The street children of Manila are affected by early-in-life periodontal infection:
description of a treatment modality: sea salt.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23697295
That’s why YAMA+ uses a high concentration of Dead Sea water and essential oils to provide a powerful way to prevent gum disease, enhancing oral health.