Yael Rosenthal, CEO
A serial entrepreneur with a vast experience in the field of advertising and a former owner of an Advertising agency that partnered with McCann Erickson, Yael has experience in Business Mentorship and is a certified PCI coach and NLP master. She has studied Political Science and Criminology in Israel as well as Media and advertising at the City of London University.

Prof. Jonathan Mann, Medical Advisor
Former Chairman of the Department of the Community Dentistry, and former Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Hebrew University and Hadassah, Prof. Mann isactive in major faculty and national committees. He has published more than 100 peer reviewed articles and lectured in more than 80 international conferences. His application research projects were and are clinical studies funded by major international companies. Highly active in community projects, he serves as a member of the presidium of “Yad Sarah”. Prof. Mann has a D.M.D. degree from the Hebrew University and an M.Sc. degree in Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Eran Hazan, leading Chemist
Works at the Institute for Control and Standards of Medical Materials with a deep understanding on the international regulatory bodies (EMEA, ICH, FDA). Hazan has previous experience as process engineer in charge of production processes to the pharmaceutical industry. He holds a Master’s degree in Organic Chemistry and Bs.C in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.

Prof. Turgeman
Turgeman is a member in the department of Molecular biology and Ariel university medical school. Former Chairman of the department of Pre-medical studies and a member of the Israeli society for stem cell research. Prof. Turgeman has published more than 30 peer reviewed articles book chapters, registered several patents and is an editorial board member for international journals in the fields of molecular biology and neuroscience. Prof. Turgeman has D.M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the Hebrew University.